White Paper

Nov 2021

HIRAM Token on Solana Ecosystem


HIRAM Token is intended to be a utility token that should be used to establish a financial link between Freemasons in a fair and decentralized manner.

Contact & Information


Email:  Hiram@freemason-coin.io                                                                                                                                         ®2021 HIRAM Token

Website:  freemason-coin.io


This document is for educational and informational purposes only. The contents of this document are not a financial promotion. None of the information or analyses presented are intended to form the basis for any investment decision and no specific recommendations are intended. Therefore, none of the contents of this document serve as an invitation or inducement to engage in any sort of investment activity. This document is not intended to be a prospectus, solicitation, inducement or offering for investment or the sale or issuance of securities or any interests or assets.


The information in this document is given in good faith, but no warranties, guarantees or representations are made by Freemason-coin with regard to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information presented. Freemason-coin expressly disclaims any and all responsibility, and Recipients expressly waive any claim, for any direct or consequential loss or damages of any kind whatsoever (whether foreseeable or not) arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in this document or any information which is made available in connection with any further inquiries, (ii) any error, omission, or inaccuracy in any such information, (iii) any action resulting therefrom or (iv) usage or acquisition of products. This disclaimer applies notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of Care.


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Pourquoi HIRAM Token ?


HIRAM Token was born out of a common idea to develop a token that would connect the community to decentralized finance and offer a lower cost transfer capacity like a Blockchain network like SOLANA can offer.



The future is in cryptocurrencies. Our mission is to create this future link to the masonic fraternity because it allows today to put a foot in the future, thanks to the innovative, reliable, scalable technology. Our vision is to make accessible to all a service, safe, cheap and also very, very fast.          




The global market will soon reach $3 trillion, and we see this as just the beginning of a new era. This rapid growth of the crypto world should benefit everyone. Freemasons represent a significant potential when we know that on 8 million is the number of members today active.

HIRAM Token Solution


Our goal is to democratize the use of cryptos and to allow low cost transfers between members of lodges, between lodges and their obediences and obediences between them. The investment in decentralized finance must be open to all.




HIRAM is the solution; it will be possible to access this crypto from the local currency, via mobile-money or simply exchanges. A user will be able to initiate a transaction from his account and receive in return on his crypto wallet (SPL compatible), the corresponding HIRAM according to the market price

            SOL Ecoystem


            Token Utility

There are several uses for HIRAM.

Members will be able to pay their monthly or annual dues. They will also be able to use this unified system to participate in fundraising activities in order to finance charitable projects or simply to provide for the needs of members in difficulty.


             Liquidity Incentives

Once the exchange service is launched, holders will be able to benefit from the staking and liquidity pool option with attractive returns to reward investment efforts.


Token Allocation : 100.000.000 HIRAM max supply



% Total

Token number



2 %

2 M Locked



10 %

10 M

Initial Liquidity Market


25 %

25 M

Staking / Reward


30 %


Ecosystem Fund


15 %




10 %




8 %


Total Max supply


100 %

100 M


HIRAM stakholders will have the right to vote on questions concerning the development of the project.

The subjects that will solicit the community will be the selection of projects that the HIRAM foundation will be in charge of treating.


The HIRAM Foundation will be created in order to finance social, cultural and environmental projects. The projects will be studied by a team according to their relevance and the priorities of the moment.

A submission system will be set up quickly to allow everyone an equal opportunity.

The foundation will be the driving force behind fundraising for projects that cannot be fully financed by HIRAM.